Belief Synergy

Cultivate a confident mindset that attracts and creates momentum for driving business revenue.

Success always begins with a vision...

When you set out to build your business I am sure you envisioned generating a great income doing what you love, making an impact with your unique skills, and relishing ample time to be fully present, doing things you love with your children.

Only to find that despite all of your best intentions you:

Lack the confidence to show up and be visible in your business.

Shake with nerves any time you’re invited to speak on a podcast, radio station or stage and back out last minute.

Were afraid to put your offers or services out there frequently.

Are scared to try and fail or what if you succeed?

Fear of being judged by others

Know you need to charge more but what if nobody buys?

All of this is stopping you from showing up and taking aligned actions that would help you expand your audience, increase your sales and create the success you’re seeking.

If you said yes to any of this, then you’re in the right place!

Believe in yourself

It’s time for you to create
Belief Synergy!

Belief Synergy is a method to create cohesion between what you consciously desire and what you subconsciously believe is safe and possible for you.  

 If you want to succeed in your business you need to:

  • Know what you want, believe that you are worthy of what you desire and take action now - don’t procrastinate!

  • If we are honest, behind all of our procrastination & in-action lie core beliefs steeped in fear & doubt. 

  • When you become a mum, those fears are often amplified by the additional responsibility and concern for those little human beings you love & adore. 

(...mum of 3 here, don’t ask me how I know!) 

In the end, success is determined by the empowered mind!

You're dreams are within reach

Imagine a world where you:

  • Feel confident to do whatever it takes.

  • You're ready to speak on podcasts and stages to share your unique insights, gifts and wisdom with the world.

  • You happily increase your prices and you feel giddy with excitement with each new sale.

  • What if every single time you showed up you knew that your soul mate client was waiting to hear your wisdom and were waiting for the opportunity to purchase the solution or product you have to offer?

  • What if it became easier than ever to take inspired action and see your success continuously expand? 

...again, success is determined by the empowered mind!

Let me introduce you to...

The Belief Synergy Program

Belief Synergy is a 4-week self-paced Mind Empowerment & Hypnotherapy program where you will be guided to...

Belief Synergy Methods

Identifying the core belief underpinning the limitations you're placing upon yourself; gives you the power to choose a new path instead!


Reframing your limited perceptions & opening your mind to new possibilities & opportunities allows you to shift how you think, how you feel and ultimately how you show up in your business.


Releasing those beliefs, so your mind is no longer working against your goals and desires & is working with you instead.



Rewiring your subconscious with new empowering beliefs will create a mental synergy that will enhance your ability to confidently, with KNOWING, take new aligned inspired action that will propel you towards your goals now so that you can create the success and income you desire.

What You’ll Receive:

  1. Access to the course portal that includes 4 Modules that walk you through each step of the Belief Synergy Method.

  2. At the end of each module, you’ll have absolute clarity on exactly what to do, why it matters and how to do it.

  3. Each one contains a 60-minute guided session which includes mind empowerment tasks to implement throughout the week to help support your conscious transformation.

  4. Plus every module also contains a clearing or synergy hypnosis track designed to communicate directly with your subconscious mind, to align your subconscious programming with your conscious desires.

    You’ll be guided to use these recordings in between each recorded session & beyond to strengthen your new neurological connections. 

    The best thing about this is you just get to sit back, listen and let the audio guide you and enjoy the experience.

Start Today



Why learn the Belief Synergy Method?

If you are already familiar world of mindset you have probably noticed by now that many programs are delivered over several months, are solely focused on the law of attraction and contain a lot more fluff than they do practical easy to implement tools that yield noticeable results.

I don't want you to have to wait to begin feeling more confident, I want it for you now!

This repeatable Belief Synergy Method is designed to be implemented for the first time in just four weeks. However, you can choose to collapse the timeline each time so that it becomes quicker and easier to make the shift. 

Many of my clients have reported feeling unstoppable, confident and freer, after doing the first session alone. 

In the words of one of our past students "Fuck, I love belief synergy." 


By the end of this program, you will: 

  • Develop an unwavering trust in yourself to create the business success you've been dreaming of.

  • Feel confident in being visible, making the offer, charging your worth and in turn increasing your sales

  • Have lifetime access to an easy, 4-step process proven to help you free yourself and reprogram your subconscious mind for success, that you can use over and over again any time you need it. 

You can get immediate access today for as little as £74!

"The vast majority of human beings walking around out there do not understand that they are deeply, deeply programmed.

Ra Uru Hu


Hear are some of the kinds words that I've received from my clients.

"Fuck, I love Belief Synergy. Started my day with week 2 and it keeps getting better and better"

Linda Bear

"Amplifying my strenghts has immediately deflated the big balloon of doubt in myself. I truly feel like I can start trusting myself vision, purpose and intuition" 

Nina Marie

"I can honestly say I have no fear of moving moving forward and have a renewed sense of purpose and drive. My confidence has grown so much. I highly recommend Amber and the Belief Synergy"

Samantha Clark

"Lead out for your children and our next generation by example.

Amber Cherelle


Pay in full today and get bonus material or a little flexibility pay in installments.

Pay in full


What you'll receive:

  • Access to the course portal that includes 4 Modules that walk you through each step of the Belief Synergy Method. 

  • Accompanying clearing or synergy hypnosis tracks 

  • Workbooks & Mind Empowerment Exercises
  • Pay In Full Bonus: Financial Abundance Coding Hypnotherapy Audio

Monthly (3 Installments)


What you'll receive

  • Access to the course portal that includes 4 Modules that walk you through each step of the Belief Synergy Method.

  • Accompanying clearing or synergy hypnosis tracks
  • Workbooks & Mind Empowerment Exercises




Info & FAQ

Invest Yourself and Treat yourself:

Purchase your the Belief Synergy Program Today

Amber Cherelle is a life-loving, eclectic, mind empowerment and business success mentor, with a desire to empower fellow entrepreneurial mums who are ready to expand their existing businesses, attract more clients and increase their revenue with their sanity intact. Helping them to optimize their well-being, mindset & energetics for a holistic, aligned business approach.

Her training and certifications include:

  • Advanced Hypnotherapist
  • EFT Master Practitioner
  • NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Human Design Business Guide
    (Sovereign Code/Human Design Alchemy/Human Design Business)
  • Happiness Club Trainer